My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Meeting with the Autism Team

We had our meeting with the Autism team last Thursday. I don't THINK I updated about it so will do it again or whatever lol.

My MIL, FIL, and DH went with, this time. I wanted (no, NEEDED) to show that it's not just ME or my "fault" or in MY "head". We went over a lot and did some sort of screening (rating things 0-3) but won't know the results of that till the ARD on 2/27.

I am slightly depressed over it. I threw my back out just moments before MIL and DH got to the house and was in literal screaming agony. I made it to the meeting but wasn't able to go over stuff with them before we left.

The "team" consistently tried to get us to rate her lower than we were (ie, not having the behavior in question that often). I'm worried about how bad that is going to screw us. DH argued with me at one point in front of them - we fought over this later that night because I was so upset that he cared more about being "right" than her getting the help she needs. I hate this. Even MIL was trying to elbow him and relating a story about when a particular thing had happened and why she'd rate it a 3..

Some questions I felt forced into certain answers. Example - rate a 3 if the behavior happens 4-6 times in a 6 hour period. The question was something about social skills with peers. Well - she's never IN a social situation for a 6 hour period with other kids except for school, and I'm not there! How could I answer that correctly??

In other news.. she made the A/B Honor Roll for the semester. <3 <3 <3

We celebrated that I've been trying to tie her behavior chart more to direct consequences and her allowance rather than whether or not she gets to do something. Like, if she doesn't clean her room, she doesn't get grounded but she doesn't get her points for doing it and doesn't get her allowance. She can still go out and play the next day. It seems to be working better this way and it's affecting us as a family less - previously we'd all end up havin to stay home or one of us had to stay with her while the rest got to go do X fun thing. I dunno how it will work long term but we're trying it for now.

She's also expressed a lot of interest in singing and acting, so I'm looking into a workshop for her (there's a local children's theatre) and during the summer I'll take her to karaoke with me as her weekly reward.

I hope we find something out on 2/27. We've waited so long