So, on the plus column we have received:
Additional accomodations (now all recorded in her IEP so I can stop referring to "the minutes from the last ARD" yay):
- Seat close to board and away from distractions
- Preferential seating near teacher
- Cool-down areas available
- Reduce work without reducing skills (homework reduction, much discussion on how to phrase this)
- List due dates on all assignments
- Chunk lengthy assignments into smaller units
- Set of textbooks for home use
- Provide written copies to reduce copying from board
- Access to technology w/writing assignments
- Small group administration for major tests
- Extended time to complete assignments
- Allow for frequent breaks as needed
- See BIP - encourage use of code word when being teased
- Organizational help w/binder including notes/homework
- Sensory items as needed as provided by OT
- (slantboard, cushion, fidgets, chewing items, etc)
- Access to word processing programs at teacher discretion
Major news is that in the interim while she is being re-evaluated for educational AUtism, we have been given access to the FOCUS group by the Director of the Special Education Department who attended the meeting! (YAY!!!!)
I'm dissappointed in the delay with a re-eval and feeling negative about their results if they persist in using the ADOS as their only overriding testing. I can only hope that they correct their rectal-cranial inversion and address the "whole child" aspect of what is going on with Caitlyn involving *all* of her behaviors as diagnostic clues rather than persisting in isolating the behaviors.
My child is not broken and does not need fixed. My child does have difficulty functioning in daily life and needs to be taught and trained for appropriate coping skills, self-care, and social interaction. I want them to stop acting like she is "misbehaving" when she is manifesting a portion of her disability. Bleh.
More updates later and my thoughts on the accomodations we received; right now I have a meeting to attend. Thank you all for thinking of us!