My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Monday, August 23, 2010

School year not off to the best start

The school year for dd1 is not getting off to a good start. I am not sure if I like her teacher (loved last year's) - I can deal with that. There is apparently a new diagnostician AND a new OT, so everything is FUBAR'd - and I can NOT deal with that. So I'm just pissed.

First issue is her stupid planner. No one is using the damn thing right - I know dd1 doesn't, which is WHY her accomodations state that her teachers are to be writing her HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS in her planner each day. So what are they doing? Having the kids copy down the assignments at the beginning of the day. Right, that really helps me know what was completed in class and what needs to be done at home O.o And no, Ms Homeroom teacher, cramming what you've assigned as homework in your 2 classes into the very last box of the planner, in cursive that I can barely read, is NOT HELPING.

Thank you very much for dating some papers with a due date but not putting the due date of assignments that are not worksheets, in the planner. It is so nice to know that something I forced my daughter to work on through her tears for 4 hours one night wasn't due for A WEEK. FARK YOU.

*deep breath*

DD1 is supposed to have a ton of stuff in each classroom or carried with her (assistive tech). That's to include an Alphamaster, bands on the front legs of her chair, a weighted lap pad, a beanbag seat cushion thing, a "Cool Down Area" with sensory input devices, medical tubing to cover her pencils, a slantboard for writing, and access to a computer if the Alphamaster is not sufficient for the assignment given.

What does she have as we're to the middle of the second week of school? Medical tubing. They've known for months now, these are existing accomodations and nothing new yet except the Alphamaster which the new OT recommended last week.

*bangs head on desk* Not only that, I am getting a run around about the ARD I requested.

I requested it verbally on 8/23 to the assistant principal. I gave the new diagnostician all her new IEE reports and requested it in writing with those documents on 8/27.

I received a call today from said diagnositician for me to come in to speak with her and the LSSP on Thursday (not an ARD, just an informal meeting). And that "we might go over some dates when we can have the ARD".