My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's sad when I'm struggling to update just monthly now.

Rowan (dd2) was diagnosed with Asperger's, dyslexia, ADHD, coordination issues, and generalized anxiety disorder.

*le sigh*

We're coping. That is the best I can say right now. She went to her first OT visit/eval and will be having both OT and PT on Wednesdays. They are recommending orthotics for her toe-walking, but right at the moment I don't want to do that. I'm not making the decision to say "no", I'm just not up for making that decision yet.

In other news, I can't get our insurance to verify if they cover ABA. They keep telling me they don't know what that is. I also cannot find an ABA provider in our major metro area (Dallas) that takes our insurance. Easter Seals doesn't, and we are not within their driving distance for in-home, either. I keep hitting brick walls.

I attended the first informed consent meeting with the school district to start her evals with them so we have an IEP in place for kindergarten in the fall when all is said and done.

We've started a trial of Tenex to help her sleep and with her adhd. It sort of works, the side effects are not TOO bad, but I'm thinking of stopping and trying the Abilify instead before deciding what to keep her on.

For news regarding Caitlyn, she's been doing great. There are still meltdowns and food stealing, but it's not as bad as in the past or even close. She is making some friends both at school and in the neighborhood. And for this six weeks, she made "A" honor roll - with a score of 102 in Social Studies <3 Very very proud of her and making arrangements for her reward for that achievement.

I'll try to post more often/work on moving the blog over or something. Things are just very busy and while I know you all love my updates I don't see them as being much more frequent until school is out for summer.

Thank you to everyone walking this journey with us. And peace to those walking their own.