My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's been so busy..

She has one evaluation scheduled for July 18th via someone her grandmother wanted to take her to in WF.
She has an eval with the child psych here at the end of the month, the one that specializes in Asperger's. I've gotten back the tests she sent in for her current teacher to fill out as well (school ends tomorrow).

I found a Social Skills group and a Sensory Motor group for her, both at rates we can squeeze out if we're very careful (I assume we can eventually use insurance for some therapies if/when we have a medical dx, but for now private pay is it) that will work with the school schedules next year and around therapy with the Spec Ed center and the child psych.

I also have a lead on a karate place that's local that specializes in special ed students and is affordable. They focus on concentration, observation, centering, balance, breathing, and coordination.

So hopefully that will all fall into place after the summer. Also hopefully, by the end of summer, we will have a DX to then call another ARD for and bring in the advocate to start fighting for more help for her via the school/accomodations.

I also obtained a letter from her montessori teacher from the year of her first evaluation with the ISD (who was never offered screenings like her public school teachers were this year) and have one promised by the owner as well. Also her complete school records from that year and I've collected and collated everything from pre-k to present as far as the school records go.

I still need her birth hospital records to eventually follow up with a dev ped if needed, her complete records from the inpatient center in '07, and records from the 2 other psychs we had consulted to add to her "Binder of All that is C related".

She did not qualify for the LEAP group (gifted) but I have concerns about that I will address next year as well. Basically I need to find out if her IEP should apply to the LEAP testing as well - her IEP allows for extra time on tests as well as verbal reading of questions vs written. Her LEAP scores were MUCH different than the results of all the testing the multi-disciplinary committee did for the ARD - like polar opposite different.

They have to score 6/8 to get into the program. She got 2/8. Now that her TAKS results are back she should have 4/8 (She achieved Commended in 2 areas, and missed the third by one freaking point). If they allow extra time on the timed math portions I believe she can hit the 6/8 and should qualify for "provisional acceptance". Her teacher was quite shocked at her low scores.

I realize we are asking for a lot for a special ed student to be admitted to the gifted program (in terms of what that teacher can deal with in her LEAP group) but I don't believe the two are mutually exclusive, and I do believe that she IS gifted in certain areas (actually many areas, but at this age she is struggling with basic math memorization/timing, yet can work complicated problems in her head and get the answer right without knowing how to show how she did it). She would really benefit from the program IMO if we can get it.

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