My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Is this the "FINAL" approval? IEP update as well

Just got off the phone with the assistant principal. We went over several things for the upcoming IEP meeting, and she did say they were clear on the iPad for a trial basis. (WOO!.... if I don't get another email saying oh wait one more mysterious person has to approve....)

Regarding adaptive PE, she said the person that does that came in to observe Caitlyn in general PE and said she was "right up with the rest of them". I have asked that this person contact me directly - I have no idea what they were doing in class at the time, what skills were observed, etc. At this point in time I think an actual, full physical evaluation should be done before she's out of elementary grades, but I will wait to hear.

The school plans to do a re-eval "on the basis of" our reports from this summer (IE her medical dx). Sigh. I know this is expected; I just hate that it means yet more testing and yet more waiting. Again. I'm not even sure if the FOCUS group is offered in middle school; if not, that means we totally miss it (the first meeting was this past Wednesday iirc).

1 comment:

  1. My guess would be that the school does not want to put iPad in her IEP because I believe that would make them finanacially responsible to meet that accomodation. It will also make a precedent for future students that they would be financially responsible to meet. In our district the unspoken is that if it would cost money don't mention it at an IEP. We
    can only use what we alrady have in district.

    Those AlphaSmarts are horrible. The text screen doesn't have a large screen so only about 10 words can be seen at a time. Students with any memory or focus issues have a difficult time with them. Check into research on when students should be using a QWERTY keyboard. Most say not until 12 yo when they can learn touch typing.

    I applaud you utilizing real world technology. Have you ever seen anyone walking around with an AlphaSmart to help them with their job?
