My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Accommodations continued - class goals

Have you ever really thought about the term "Behavior Intervention Plan"? I read an excellent web page today that went into great detail about a Plan works best when it's used by a Team, instead of simply being a list of expectations for one individual. The Team consists of the special education student, the Parent(s), the Class, the Teacher(s), and the Administrators.

So, why not set goals for your whole team instead of just your child? If everyone works as a Team, the Behavior that you want can be more easily attained; the Behavior that you don't want can be more easily shown alternatives; and everyone can learn from the experience, not just the Student.

With that in mind, we're going to ask for these goals to be implemented in Caitlyn's BIP. This is just my working copy, haha, so it still needs a lot of work! I want to be able to think of concrete measurable goals for the above for "probe taken 4 out of 5 times" and such - just like is expected of Caitlyn.

BIP goals for her class:
  • To have staff and peers educated about Asperger's
  • To show by example and discussion how to cope with frustration, anger, and dissappointment 
  • To show acceptance of learning differences and abilities with praise or modification
  • To involve Caitlyn in decision making regarding learning and social interactions.
  • To offer tasks which focus on areas of Caitlyn's strengths and personal interests.
  • To have planned opportunities for Caitlyn to demonstrate abilities.
  • To value Caitlyn for her difference, not in spite of it.


  1. Love this! Have a meeting with the director of spec. ed. tomorrow - armed with our independent assessment with a Dx of Asperger's. Wish us luck!
    Also, find me on gymbofriends (gardengirl414), please! I so want to discuss AlphaSmart and other things for dysgraphia....that was another Dx received from the independant eval. I LOVE your blog - it's SO HELPFUL!!

  2. And....make sure that they stick to the RULES about the BIP. I requested a formal BIP be done - rather than going through the same old generic suggestions (L will be respectful to peers and authority figures), that have not worked and DO NOT outline why "L is disrespectful to peers and authority figures". I'm a firm believer that "L" will do better when she's able to do better, which involves a true functional behavior assessment to learn why the behaviors are being exhibited and what she's getting out of the behaviors (a sense of "control" over the situtaion, etc.). The comment I received was "I'm taking some notes on some of the issues that have been raised". The behavior plan was issued with the SAME goals, and a cobbled up "Hypothesis Statemeent" supported by "various observations over the past several years". I'm not signing it until they do a much better job of it........

  3. GOOD LUCK, Anna! I will pm you at GF :) I totally agree that an FBA should be done before a BIP is written - in fact that was one of my advocate's first suggestions to us was confirming that an FBA had been done.

    My advice would be don't wait for them to "do a better job of it". YOU write her BIP and take that to the IEP meeting. I am not saying anything needs to be adversarial, but whoever "leads" the meeting has the upper hand in the negotiations. Instead of "following" their suggestions, start off with presenting your own, written clearly and measurably (if possible).

    Also if 2 grading periods pass and the mastery of the BIP objectives has not changed or they are not meeting the goals, you need a new BIP anyway because well, it's just obviously not working. IMO.
