November 7, 2011
ARD/IEP Meeting for
Caitlyn XXXXXX, grade 6A
Parent Concerns:
Parents are concerned
that accomodations are not being consistently implemented by all instructors in
all classrooms. Caitlyn is entitled to copies of teacher notes for classes to
supplement her own, not based on "teacher discretion", for ALL classes
checked on page 17 of 26 on her accomodations page in her IEP. She is only
receiving consistent handouts from her Math teacher, and her Turkish teacher.
Other subjects there are sometimes items sent home, but other things that
should be provided are not being provided (chunked assignment schedules with
due dates listed clearly, vocabulary lists, notes for class, etc).
Since Caitlyn
receives AT accomodations involving a laptop and a flash drive in Social
Studies and ELA, there are also times when this information may be on the flash
drive but it is in the posession of someone other than Caitlyn when she comes
home or left in her locker, so we cannot access any documents on it.
In the area of "Reducing
Work without Reducing Skills" there are times when this should have
been implemented - again this is not noted as "teacher discretion" -
such as the Poetry Project which could have been reduced to 20 poems from 30
without negating the purpose or scope of the assignment. (This is only used as
an example as it is a recent project). Assigning math problems that are even
number instead of the entire worksheet would be another example. For most
assignments, the only ones that need "Reducing Work" are those
requiring lengthy writing portions based on our observations. While we do not
feel that right now this is impacting Caitlyn greatly, it is affecting her
academic grade and stress level. It should be immediately implemented and
followed so that it does not BECOME a problem.
In the area of "Chunk
Lengthy Assignments Into Smaller Units", this is also not being done. XXXXXXXXs own schedule for some things such as the provided schedule for the
Science Fair is acceptable for that project; it chunks the project down into
areas; it provides clear due dates; it is easily accessible to the student.
However, areas *within* that schedule still need clear chunking. An example
would be to assign Caitlyn to do 1 thing on Monday night and 1 thing on Tuesday
night, instead of 2 seperate areas that are both due on Wednesday. This allows us
to better monitor her progress at home and keep her up to date within the class
so that she does not fall behind or require extra time to complete an
assignment due to confusion on her part. Another recent example would be the
Drama Project from ELA for which we did not receive a sheet with the chunking,
description of exact assignment, and due date for each section of the project.
These are required and noted in her IEP.
In the area of "Access
to Technology for Writing Assignments", this is also NOT listed as
"based on observation" or "by teacher discretion". Caitlyn
should have had access to the AT since the first day of school for all subjects
noted in her IEP which are checked, which are: ELA; Reading; Social Studies;
Science; Electives. The laptop should, based on her IEP, be available in all
classrooms where she MIGHT need access to it at any given time. She should not
be required to fetch it from another classroom or to lose instructional time to
retrieve it.
In the area of "Organizational
Help w/binder(s) including notes/homework" we request to add the word
"agenda" or "planner" to this area. She is required to
receive this during all of her classes, every day. We believe that this would
require excessive teacher attention to do so by her General Education teacher
and that the school and Caitlyn would be better served by having this done by
her aide at the beginning and end of each class listed in the IEP (All subjects
including electives, except Gym).
Request for
Implementation as written of the IEP accomodations above, commencing on today's
date, consistently and with accountability.
Request addition of
the word "agenda" or "planner" to the subject area
"Organizational Help". This is page 17 of 26 in her IEP.
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