My name is Caitlyn. I am 10 years old. I have Asperger's, (Autism) OCD, ADHD, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Parent Concerns: Occupational Therapy

November 7, 2011

ARD/IEP Meeting for Caitlyn XXXX, grade 6A
XXXX School of XXXX

Parent Concerns:

Assistive Technology Supplement

We have never received a direct report from the OT, and have only had some material forwarded to us via email by Mr H, weeks after the consult was performed. We still have not received the OT consult report for the 2nd six weeks' grading period or any information about it at all.

In the area of "Computer Access/Access to Word Processing Programs" of the Assistive Technology Supplement, this is noted as Teacher Discretion.

It is our interpretation of the previous page (17, Accomodations) in combination with this page (18, AT Supplement) that AT is to be accessible at all times by Caitlyn, but that the use of the equipment for any assignment is what is left to "Teacher Discretion".

This is to clarify our previous request on the Accomodations page that the laptop be available for her to use in all classrooms, and that teacher discretion be used to give her the use of the laptop for all writing over one paragraph in length.

In addition, "Sensory Items as Needed" including fidgets were found not to be needed by the OT consult on September 12th. However, we have never received a formal copy of this report. Also, the OT did not appear to screen or assess for sensory needs beyond Caitlyn's BIP and did not address this page (18, AT Supp).

Caitlyn is currently covered with no less than 25 bandages from picking at her skin as she seeks sensory input that doesn't get her DPS points in class. Our child self-injuring herself because she is not provided with fidgets, positional seating assistance, or other manipulatives is not acceptable. The blood is a biohazard to other students especially when taken into consideration with Caitlyn's hygeine concerns; Caitlyn reports there is no hand sanitizer in classrooms except her homeroom; and this activity will leave her with life long scars if substitutes are NOT given by the OT.

We hereby request that a fuller assessment be done by the OT and a written report provided to us of the results and of any materials Caitlyn will have access to at her desk freely (fidgets, seat positioner, etc). This assessment needs to assess Caitlyn's SENSORY needs vs her behavioral needs under AT and not the BIP.

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